I'm Jamal
A Web Developer

Let's build something amazing!


I'm Jamal!

I love building stuff! I love telling stories, documenting processes and building tools that help people. My passions lie in marketing, communication, photography and creating systems.

These passions mesh perfectly when it comes to creating websites for individuals and businesses. A website is the only place online that you can control every pixel. You may have social media, but you are subject to any rules or constraints they choose to impose.

If someone were to look you up online, your personal website is the one place that you can control every element that tells your story. I'd love to work with you to make sure that story is compelling and fits your goals.

picture of Jamal
What about you?

What's your story?

I want to know what sets you apart from everyone else. Whether you are an artist or a business, your story is uniquely your own and I love helping people tell there story online. Your own personal website is the only place online where you control every element that represents your business or personality. Sure, there's social media and it may serve a function, but we all are held captive to the rules and settings that these sites set for us.

If someone looked up you or your business, would it tell the story you want? Do the colors and presentation represent your brand? Is it tailored to individuals no matter what device they look it up on? The first place I see most websites are on my mobile phone and thats not uncommon. Does your site look good on a phone?

The Process

What does working together look like?

What problem does your website need to solve?

This is the core question that we will work to uncover. I love to start with getting a grasp of your story and what you need in a website. Do you need a landing page(a site that serves as an online business card) that doesn't require a lot of upkeep? A one stop shop that individuals can look up who you are, what you do and completely tailored to give them the experience of meeting you. Do you need something a bit more interactive and dynamic like a blog where individuals can come and view your latest thoughts, recipes and writing?

Knowing what you need your site to do is the best place to begin, and in our first conversation I want to learn about you and your needs. From there, I'll put together a proposal that I believe will best serve you.